V nedeľu 19. 11. sa slávnostným ceremoniálom a odovzdávaním cien ukončil vo Veľkej Británii v Kendale prestížny Medzinárodný festival horských filmov. Počas víkendu ho navštívilo okolo 6000 ľudí, ktorí si pozreli to najlepšie z nových snímok s prírodnou tematikou z 27 krajín sveta. V šiestich kinosálach sa premietlo až 250 filmov! Do tohto výberu sa dostal aj slovenský film Pururambo, ktorému medzinárodná porota udelila jednu z hlavných cien Culture Prize.
Grand Prize
On the road to the Red God
Directed and Produced by Kesang Tseten Lama
Film Short
Directed and produced by T. M. Faversham
Directed by Pavol Barabáš Produced by K2 Studios
Directed by Keith Partridge Produced by Gaelic Arts
The Devil's Miner
Directed & produced by Richard Ladkani & Keif Davidson
Mountain Adventure
Patagonia Ice Cap Expedition
Directed by Georg Dehghan Produced by Moving Adventures Media
Cerro Torre - Arca de los Ventos
Directed and produced by Ermanno Salvaterra
Set in Stone
Directed & Produced by Alastair Lee & David Halsted
People's Choice
Set in Stone
Directed and Produced by Alastair Lee & David Halsted
Judges Special Prize
E11 GB
Directed by Paul Diffley Produced by Dave Brown
Extreme Film School
Kendal's Dark Secret
Matt Burke, Steve Gray, Tom Swannick
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